Does compassion mean care and kindness You think about the needs and the good of others? Compassion drives us to act with kindness toward others. Today I will talk about compassion specifically towards the refugees and Asylum Seekers who come to the UK. I’ll talk about three ways. Compassionate To the people. The first thing is to welcome them with a huge heart. Tell them yes Welcome to our country. This is now your country. Let’s make it better. Through compassion’s Welcome them with your huge heart.
Secondly, I would say. We should prioritize the way we talk. Compassion in the way. We talk to refugees and Asylum Seekers. Words do matters A lot more than people realize. When we talk we reveal our intentions through our talk. So I would add and request when you talk to the refugees and Asylum Seekers. Show them compassion the way you talk. Tell us the kind words tell us the good words and tell us yes, we are here for you.
Thirdly cultivate compassion through your works To the refugees and asylum-seekers sometimes putting them first. Ask them if they’re okay ask them if they want to do anything. Do not. Treat refugees as foreigners Treat them as part of your community as a part of your family if you can. When you listen to them. Please listen to them with empathy. And please do not judge them. The reason why they came here. Talk to them. I’ll be back tomorrow with another. A topic which calls contributions. See you tomorrow. Please share and care and celebrate Refugee Week with us and with MD. Thanks, everyone.