Corona Virus and Asylum Seekers Anxiety In the UK

Being a Refugee week leader and an asylum seeker in the UK this is my first video blog about the current situation. We are a human being and as an asylum seeker, we are in a panic as well. No work rights and no extra help. Please I would be really grateful if you can share it. I wish and pray for everyone’s safety and happiness. Regards _ MD . Please find me on Twitter – @abirhamid2017.

Really Greatful these lovely people and ornaisations below who always inspire me and give me the stranght to live and write and go forward. Please feel free to msg me anytime on my twitter- @abirhamid2017.

#asylumcoronavirus #bethereforyourcommunity #thinkaboutvurnablepeople #togatherwearestronger ,@guirdiannews, @guirdian,@AlfDubs, @abir , @STARnational , @UniofSanctuary, @CityofSanctuary, @UNHCRUK, @BMEAntislavery , @D6culture, @RefugeeWeek, @refuaid, @StephenAceituna, @anit2691, @wrightcatalyn, @rocdaboss76, @actionFdn, @afruca, @MigrationAndEdu, @AIUKStudents, @Wnicholasgomes, @lora_agbaso, @bayneshannah1, @OAIDCampaign, @BorderscapesPod, @Annina_, @@AraiaBini, @MattBlacker, @GulwaliP, @bambigoesforth, @WCroydonVoice, @akbned, @ChristopherSmart, @busyakram007, @atrefugees, @christistone120, @StephenAceituna, @AndreaLcarter, @GoldingAmy, @ness_schofield, @CounterArts, @ToufiqueHossain, @DLPublicLaw, @Allyander, @VividRicky, @MentallySound, @ncl_wellbeing, @_megmann, @Sam_Slatcher, @jonfeatonby, @SummersRees, @amirraki875, @SalusburyWORLD, @UoM_Sanctuary, @SayfMalik, @begel_woman, @ Anti_Slavery, @DCSMS, @HumanTraffFdn, @UNHumanRight, @WestEndRefugee, @Refugee_Support, @CamRefugees, @jensomelunn, @migranthelp, @rmw, @IMIX_UK, @Tyne_Wear_FRS, @ShroukELA, @clymenec, @WenPen0, @Luckystrikeruss, @YAV_Sunderland, @kirklesswelcome, @OAIDCampaign, @PSYCHE_delight, @NorwichSOS, @uel_union, @GunorgunSpeaks, @RachWN, @RootsNew, @Room2Heal, @AFRatEHU, @MattBlacker4, @PlatformaArts, @musingsoNiks, @LeoVerity15, @MaryLBrandon, @yusufciftci42, @RefugeeWelsh, @LINCLbrarian, @RachelHattinghM, @FemmigjeC, @StephenAceituna, @CWVYS, @BenTSTarrant, @KevinNottm, @MayaGoodfellow, @jonathanMHEllis, @TsitsiDC, @voiceRas, @cat_gladwell, @Kentpage,

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