Right to Education for new asylum seekers was been Established by my Case in 2018, May, immigration bail act 2.0. Hamid vs Secretary of State. It was a lifetime achievement for all the new asylum seekers which opened the door for new Scholarship and give Asylum seekers new life to be there for the community and educate themselves. Before that Home office used to impose ” Study Ban on Asylum seekers if they intend to study by getting scholarships or bursaries. See below the Study ban letter of mine.

Then I took this matter further. Hessy Elliot, Ben fro,m Jumiya Project helped me to get in touch with Duncan Lewis Solicitors in harrow. We went for an appeal. And I have won the appeal to access to higher studies in the Hight of London. But unfortunately by the time I got my decision I missed the deadline for my scholarship at the Teesside University. So i was very upset about it. The home office could not put any reason why they have stopped me to go back to education rather than asking the Honorable Judge for 2 months time extension to explain why. The Honorable Judge was very angry as well. This is against basic Human Rights. My mother was a school Headteacher and i have learned that Education is a Basic human right regardless of your status and situation.

So I did not stop . I took the Home office to Judicial Review for an answer. Why did they stop me to go back to education in the first place when did not know why!!!

It was very traumatic experience for me. I would Like to Thank Hannah Baynes and my Barrister of Duncan Lewis From Harrow And Taufique Hossain the Director of Duncan Lewis for this big help to pursue the Judicial Review. What happened next- Home office asked me to take off the review and offered me the Legal Aid money and changed the Immigration Bail ACT.

It was a huge achievement in terms of making the path clear to all the new asylum seekers in the UK to access to Higher Education. I fell proud of it and yes I did it. Nothing is impossible if you are right and fight for justice. Social justice is the core value of my heart. Then when I came to Newcastle Upon Tyne I found there is 2 universities but no scholarship for the Asylum seekers. Just to add Newcastle is the highly allocated area for the Home office asylum seekers in the UK. So then I got in touch with the universities sending them letters by post and email spending my money from what I get £35/week. No one replied. Even I asked to get access to the university library I did not get permission. Then I have started campaigning for Education. I was helped my Migration And Asylum Justice forum based in the northeast. It was not easy. I remember now how many times I used to go and stand in front of the university and keep watching people going to classes and talk to the students and sometimes with placards. I did numerous meetings with the University officials and suggesting them for the scholarship and its long term impact in the community and in the country.
My campaign for Education for all and Scholarship for asylum seekers at Newcastle University. It was not easy but we did it. Now Newcastle University has announced 3 Scholarship for Asylum Seekers from 2020. Education brings changes and Universities are the honeycomb mother of a nation. I believe strongly education can change the nation and lead it to success and prosperity.
I would like to Thank MAJF and the members who helped me on this journey and make this happen. This Campaign brought 8 New scholarship in Newcastle Upon Tyne from 2019. 5 new scholarship from Northumbria University and 3 from Newcastle University. Which we call Sanctuary Scholarships. I am one of the proud scholars at Northumbria University since 2019 and pursuing and intending to start my Law L.L.B soon. To find out our campaign here is the video of a protest at Newcastle University we did in 2019-
#Solidarity for asylum seekers and for ” Education For All” and my campaign will continue to support my fellow brothers and sisters.
Covid19UK,#Covid19etc,#communityissues,#university,#london,#motivation,#asylumseekerfood,#refugeecooking,#newcastlecooking,#MDsLHFB,#LibdemCooking,#Eideasycooking,#Huffingtonpost,#unicef,#UNHCRUnitedkingdom,#NHS,#NHSeasycooking,#takemeout,#easyindianfood,#Communitycooking,#uklockdown,#foodbank,#Md,#MdsLHFB,#Abirking,#EidMubarak2020,@QueensAwardVS,@RoyalFamily,@LibdemPress,@RefugeeWeek2020,@refugeecouncil,@CityofSanctuary,@IMIX_UK,@TellMamaUk,@abirhamid2017,@MdMominulHamid,@HuffPostUK,#Newcastle, #equalaccess, #Asylumseeekersstudy, #SanctuaryScholarships, #UKasylumseekers , #STAR ,#SanctuaryScholars, #Accesstohighereducation, #RefugeeStudy, #Campaignforeducation, #UKhomeofficestudyBan, #Studyabn, #RighttoStudy, #MAJF, #Campaignforeducation, #UK, #Campaign, #immigrationBailActUk, #immigrationbailact2018,